So Much Is Happening!

I know I’m a few days late getting our weekly blog post up… but ya know, life happens. However, so much has happened since last week’s update. First of all, Endeavor (our internet provider) ran our fiber line last Thursday. Since we both work from home, finding a rural property with fiber was a must (easier said than done, but we succeeded). They used directional boring to run the line under our flower beds and driveway (as opposed to trenching), and it was the coolest thing to watch. They use water! Some of you are probably like ‘duh’, but to us it was cool to see. Our actual service appointment is set for the end of next week…then the blogs will be coming from the farm!

This is the directional boring machine. The operator sits in the middle of it and adds pieces of pipe as needed to feed the conduit through the hole. Once the conduit is in, they use water again to feed the fiber line through the conduit. They spent more time marking and checking the property than they did boring… the boring and line install took less than 30 minutes.

Part of the purpose of this blog is to give you guys an idea of what to expect when building a house or developing land. I’ll share cost whenever possible and will provide tips for making your journey easier than ours. Internet was our first utility to go in, so we’ll start there. Since we are considered a new account, our line was run to the trailer for free. However, when the house is done, the line will have to be relocated to the house (internet in the barn is overkill). At which point, we’ll have to pay a relocate fee of $250. Overall, not bad.

While we’re talking utilities, let’s talk power. REMC came out and ran our power line on Monday! This is HUGE! Unfortunately, we were not at the farm, so we didn’t get to watch. In fact, we’re not sure if they trenched (and left us with a mess) or directional bored like Endeavor. We’re hoping for the latter.

Now let’s talk cost. (Disclaimer: this will be different for everyone, because it’s specific to your power company.) We are part of a rural power co-op, and here is how they charge: If power is existing on the property and the line needs to be relocated, it’s $10/foot to move it…so if we needed the line run 50 feet, it would be $500. If power does not exist on the property and needs to be run from the nearest utility pole (think completely undeveloped land), the power company will usually pay for a portion of the install (after all, they’re about to make a ton of money off of your electric bills!). In our case, our co-op will pay up to $2400 for new service. There was a big back and forth between people at the power company about whether we were new service or a relocate… but ultimately it was decided we were considered new service (thanks to our engineer Dillon!!). Since we only needed the line run about 220 feet, our install was free!! Because we will need power at the location of the trailer long after the trailer is gone, our service is permanent (usually in a case like this, it would be temporary, but our barn will need power in the future). Which means, we will have to pay a relocate fee to have power run to the main house. Since the pad transformer is pretty close to the house, it should only cost a couple hundred bucks. Power for both our house and our barn for a couple hundred bucks? We got lucky!

Just some food for thought if you’re considering the country life: Electric service is where a lot of people can make a big mistake. They buy rural property and want to put their house way back off the road… but don’t take into account how to get power back that far. Even with a $2400 credit, it could easily cost over $10K to run power down a long driveway… and that’s assuming it’s a straight shot with no obstacles! So maybe trade a bigger front yard for a bigger backyard and build a little closer to the road. Like I said earlier, every power company is different, so reach out to your company for their policy on new service. Also, consider the timeline of when you need your utilities. I thought a month from move-in was enough time, but we’re just barely squeaking by. Both utilities were running about 2 weeks out for installs when we set up our accounts, but it’s been as high as 6 weeks recently. Our advice? Call sooner rather than later…they can always push back an install a few days if you’re not ready, but getting them out ASAP usually isn’t feasible.

While we’re on the path of good news, our trailer should be delivered TOMORROW!!! There was a delay in getting the DOT permit by the moving company, so it wasn’t moved today as originally planned. Fingers are crossed the chance of rain tomorrow doesn’t delay the move. Our plans are to paint the inside of the trailer this weekend, so we can move a few big pieces of furniture in. It will be hooked up to power the beginning of next week, at which point it can be inspected and the Certificate of Occupancy issued. Once we receive that blessing from the building inspector, the power company will drop our meter in and we will have functioning power! It’s been a long road to this point and we are PUMPED!

This past weekend, we started clearing out the tree line and creek behind the soon-to-be house. We’d previously cleaned up the area near the well so our water line could be trenched in, but we’re now making our way upstream. It’s obvious this area hasn’t seen attention in years. There is so much brush and weeds and overgrown bushes…lots of poison ivy too. We want to open up this area to have a better view of the north field, so we can keep an eye on our livestock.

This is the before, taken on Saturday morning. You can’t even tell where the creek is.
This ‘after’ picture was taken Saturday afternoon. We worked all day Sunday too, but I forgot to get a picture on Sunday afternoon. If you look at the middle of the picture, you can see where the creek bed is. That was at least 3 or 4 feet in from where the edge of the overgrowth started.

One of the things we discovered in clearing out this area is the abundance of Eastern red cedar trees. We love cedar trees and were thrilled to find so many seedlings. They will grow tall and provide privacy from the neighbors, yet we can trim the lower branches to give us a great view into our field.

This cedar had to get a bit of haircut to give us access to the deeper brush, but that’s how we discovered they were red cedars. Fun fact: Eastern red cedars are actually part of the juniper family, not the cedar family. And Western red cedars are actually members of the Cypress family.

The weedeater and chainsaw got a major workout this weekend. We managed to throw the chain on the chainsaw…twice. But we put it back on and kept right on going. Our bodies and our tools might be worn out, but our hearts are full.

Thankfully it was easy to put back on. There are so many more trees and bushes that need to come down, we may have to break out the second chainsaw too!

We can’t wait to get out to farm this weekend to work on the trailer and to do some more work along the creek. And it’s crazy to say this, but this is the last weekend the farm is a destination. Next weekend, the farm will officially be HOME!!!

Peace, Love, & Farming,

The Murphy’s

Power is Getting Closer!

Y’all, we have said it before and we’ll say it again…we have THE BEST neighbors!!! One of them spent his entire Sunday afternoon helping us get our meter pedestal installed. Another one made us chili for lunch because it was cold out and he knew we were stuck working outside all day. And all of them welcomed us with open arms at their local music festival on Saturday! We don’t know how we’ll ever be able to repay them for their kindness and generosity, but we’ll sure try.

On Saturday, we spent most of the day picking up field corn the combine left behind in our North field. There’s no sense in letting the leftovers go to waste, so we’ll put them in the bird feeders.

We got even more than this! Once all the kernels have been removed, it will be about 10 gallons worth of tasty treats for the birds this winter.

We also started clearing along the creek and treeline. There is years and years of overgrowth, so it’s a very slow-going process. Of course this time of year, we have to be watching for snakes (copperheads and rattlesnakes are our venomous ones…and love the woods), so that also slows things down. Unfortunately, this project is not one that can get done in a weekend. It’s something we’ll be working on all winter long, as the treeline and creek are several hundred feet long.

That little brown and white speck in the middle of the picture is our well. To give you an idea what that area looked like before, either go back a few blogs or look at the weeds/trees/bushes as the left, middle of the picture. The entire treeline, from the east side to the west side of our property is like that. Obviously, we plan on leaving the mature trees and any berry bushes/vines, but everything else has to go!

The biggest news of the weekend is we got our meter pedestal installed!! This is a HUGE step in getting power to our trailer/barn/greenhouses/construction crew. Our awesome neighbor Will helped us get it setup this weekend. The building inspector is coming out to inspect it tomorrow morning. As long as it passes, it will get a green tag and REMC will be out next week to trench in our electric line!

I now want an auger for our tractor! It drilled 2, 2-foot holes in about a minute. It would’ve taken us so long to dig those by hand. (LOL see our corn harvest mess from the day before?)
It’s in! This picture was taken before the ground wire had been fed into the box, so nobody panic. There is extra space next to the box for an outdoor panel that will have outlets, which will provide power for our contractors…so no temporary pole for construction! At a later point, this entire box will probably be mounted to the side of our barn.

Saturday evening, the campground (where all of our wonderful neighbors live) hosted a music festival and we were invited! The bands were good, the food was good, and everyone was so nice. So many of them were glad we’d purchased the farm across the street, and some of them even said they wished they could’ve purchased the farm. We are honorary members of the campground now and have been invited to all their events. And I have a feeling we’ll be hosting a party or two of our own for our neighbors.

Delicious food!!!

Since we hung out at the campground into the evening hours on Saturday, we finally got to see our farm at dusk! All the sounds, the smells; it was so peaceful. Just a few more weeks until this is home for good!

Taken from the driveway, looking over the foundation toward the north field.

When Jim made chili for us yesterday (it was so good!), we stood in the driveway with Will and Alli and Jim, just talking and eating. It’s like we’d all known each other forever. We talked about tractors and the weather and our plans for the farm next year. It just felt so right…we both felt it. Like we’ve said before, we can’t imagine being anywhere else. Our tiny little town of 250 people is right where we’re meant be… AND WE LOVE IT!

Peace, Love, & Farming,

The Murphy’s