Rain Delay

We started out yesterday with a hefty to-do list. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other plans…A couple of hours into our day, it started raining. Which put the kabash on most of our plans. However, our main task was to get our mailbox installed, and we got that done!

The mailbox post is from Ace Hardware. It did require some basic assembly. The mailbox is from Menards.

Having both lived in neighborhoods where all the mailboxes were supplied and looked the same, we actually spent a fair amount of time picking out a mailbox. I know, it seems ridiculous. We opted for a cedar post to match the timber beams that will be on our front porch. And we both liked the gray mailbox, instead of the typical black mailboxes we’re used to. (Please note the awesome address numbers…courtesy of my Cricut skills! LOL) Since the mailbox is in, I spent a good chunk of time this afternoon placing all my 2021 seed catalog orders. It was pretty fun (and a little surreal) to put our new address on the order forms!

In addition to the mailbox, we were able to clear the area between the driveway and the patio before the skies opened up. This was a priority because it’s where our septic tanks are located. We are hoping to get the property bush hogged this coming weekend, and the tank lids need to be exposed to keep from getting run over. (Side note: For those of you that have no idea what bush hogging is, it’s pretty much just mowing really, really high grass. It uses a mowing deck that is designed to knock down the crazy tall stuff, as opposed to a finish mower that is used for typical lawn maintenance.) Unfortunately, I forgot to get a before picture, but I can assure you the picture below is a vast improvement!

We can finally see the patio! The big pile of brush is blocking the view of the concrete septic tank lids, but trust me, they are there…and would cause a lot of damage to the bush hog if they got run over.

Our goal was to get rid of all the giant shrubs all the way around the patio. Obviously, we didn’t get very far. Once it’s all cleared out, I’ll get better pictures of the patio (or at least that’s what we call it). It’s a very unique feature…It has water lines and drains and a very intricate pattern in the concrete. According to the neighbors, the previous owner used it as a garden room, with tons of plants and flowers. Since all of our plants will be on the outside, we really don’t have a need to enclose it. We’ve played around with a few ideas, but it seems best suited as a nice patio space for us (maybe with a hot tub?).

I apologize, this post is kinda boring and uneventful. I was hoping to have some awesome before and after pictures from clearing the entire west side of the house, but obviously that didn’t happen. I guess Mother Nature was giving us farmers a little reminder that no matter what our plans are, her plans always come first. At least we were able to get a few important items crossed off the list. Hopefully next weekend will be full of nice weather and the opportunity for lots more pictures!

Peace, Love, & Farming,

The Murphy’s

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